Friday, July 8, 2011

Another CUTE Blog...and a Little Picture Snack

Alright, y'all...

As I was "blog surfing" tonight I stumbled upon this cutie patootie blog!  Donna is a fellow kinder teacher, and she has a new blog called "Peace, Love and Learning."  It's getting more popular by the minute.  Go check out why - she has LOTS of really, really cute freebies.  One of them is this (a birthday packet complete with a cute emergent reader):

CLICK HERE to go to her page.

PS: I know I have been Really, Really MIA...summer fever has just taken over my life!  It is SO GOOD to finally be in the heart, the middle, the best part of summer!  Here's what we did the last two days (more details to follow)...


Can you guess where we've been??  ;o) at peace, and all will be well...


  1. Brenna,
    Thanks for posting about my birthday freebies! You forgot to leave me your email address so I can send you a packet! Stop by and let me know where to send it!
